We found it!

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Paradise, that is! We know this is just one of a multitude of paradises around the world, but we found ours today -in a small village called Trindade (pr. trin-da-jey), a beach with almost no one on it; crystalline sand scattered with precious pink shells backed by lush tropical rainforest; waves crashing loudly on the shore; the water -cool enough to be refreshing but warm enough that it only took me a couple minutes to get in -and that’s saying something; temperatures in the mid-twenties; and, to top it off, a little cove surrounded by massive rocks to break the waves, making it just perfect for swimming. Paradise, indeed!

I’ve been trying to find Trindade on Google Maps and it’s not there. It is just south of Paraty which is on the coast south of Rio de Janeiro. We are heading to Paraty tomorrow for two nights, then to Ilha Grande for a few nights, then back to Rio de Janeiro.

There is so much more to say and I’ll keep it at that for now.

Boa Noite!


(p.s. I wrote this on Aug. 11th but posted it tonight, Aug. 12th)

3 thoughts on “We found it!

  1. My jaw dropped when I looked at the photos. Did a quick google on the place and supposedly there’s a really great surf spot close by. What a little paradise. BTW, that crab’s name is Snip. Careful, she’s got a temper.

  2. Darcy,
    Thank you so, so much you enjoyed and appreciate the places you visited in my country. I feel really proud of the culture I belong to. I also feel disappointed when I see the destruction others cause and I cry, but maybe one day it could be possible to see these people and understand what they did and how.
    God bless your family,

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